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Multi-Room Audio & Smart Home Specialists
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01943 870395



Even the best “TECH” can sometimes “fall over”, or not run to its design specification. Whether it’s a single amplifier, a multiroom audio system, or your “Smart Home” is no longer “Acting Smart”!

If a site visit is required our Engineer will make a full review of your system and identify all equipment and functions that need attention.

Often a reconfigure and update will solve the problem, but sometimes replacement of equipment is recommended. We will complete as much as is possible on that first visit.

If your having problems, please give us a ring, we can help to return your system to its best.


When your system is installed, everyone wants “BEST TECH”.  But technical advances are rapid and so best tech can quickly be outgunned by the latest advances.

You may want a compete upgrade of your equipment to the latest standards. We can prepare budget proposals followed by a detail costed offer, using where possible existing wiring or speakers if appropriate.

Also, your home changes, rooms are added, layouts changed and not least, the kids grow up!

You may want speakers moved, rooms added, or help to reprogram Smart Home functions.

Please give us a ring, we can help to upgrade, add, reposition and reprogram your equipment.

Nuvo audio system refurbishments


A quality, whole home system, that has regrettably been withdrawn from sale by its American manufacturer.

We have many years of experience with Nuvo installations, so if your system fails then please contact us. Spares are hard to obtain, but we will always do our best to repair.

If repair is not possible, we can advise on the best way forward, either reusing the existing speakers and wiring, or looking at the options of a full upgrade to a current market leading solution.

Call Music in Every Room
01943 870395
Contact Music In Every Room Today And Let Us Help You With Your Equipment Refurbishment & Upgrade.

We understand that sometimes it's easier to discuss your Equipment Refurbishment & Upgrade over the phone. That's why we offer a convenient call-back service.

Simply fill out the form here with your contact details and preferred time to be called, and one of our audio experts will be in touch.

Or just phone us now and chat with one of our audio experts. We can discuss your project and help recommend the perfect solution.

Preferred Call Back Time

Please leave your preferred phone back date/day & Time in the message field of the contact form.

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Our Opening Hours
Monday - Friday - 8:30am - 5:30pm
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